
About Us

OpenTelemed Refund Policy

At OpenTelemed, we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible experience. As part of that commitment, we have established a clear and transparent refund policy to address any concerns that may arise. Our policy is designed to ensure that our clients receive the services they expect, and that they are fully satisfied with their interactions with our company.


No Mandatory Fees

Pay What You Use Model

At OpenTelemed, we believe in providing our clients with the flexibility and control they need to manage their healthcare costs effectively. That’s why we have implemented a pay what you use model, where clients only pay for the services they actually use, without any mandatory fees or hidden charges. This approach ensures that our clients only pay for what they need, rather than being burdened with additional costs that may not align with their specific requirements.

Transparent Pricing

Our pricing structure is designed to be entirely transparent, allowing our clients to understand exactly what they are paying for and why. We believe in open and honest communication, and we are committed to providing our clients with a clear breakdown of the costs associated with our services. This level of transparency helps our clients make informed decisions and manage their healthcare expenditures with confidence.

No Unnecessary Cost

Unlike some healthcare providers that require clients to pay unnecessary fees or memberships, OpenTelemed does not charge any mandatory fees. Our clients can access our services on an as-needed basis, without the burden of additional costs that may not be directly relevant to their healthcare needs. This approach ensures that our clients can focus on their well-being without worrying about unnecessary financial obligations.


24-Hour Delivery Guarantee

Prompt Order Processing

At OpenTelemed, we understand the importance of timely and efficient service delivery. That’s why we have implemented a rigorous order processing system that ensures your request is handled promptly. As soon as you complete your order, our dedicated team springs into action, swiftly reviewing and validating your information to kickstart the fulfillment process without delay.

Streamlined Workflow

Our internal workflows are carefully designed to maximize productivity and minimize turnaround times. We have streamlined our operations, leveraging the latest technologies and best practices to orchestrate a seamless delivery process. This allows us to fulfill your order with the utmost speed and precision, meeting your expectations with unwavering reliability.

Guaranteed 24-Hour Delivery

At the heart of our commitment to customer satisfaction is our 24-hour delivery guarantee. We pledge to have your order processed, prepared, and delivered to you within 24 working hours of your purchase. This promise ensures that you can access our services swiftly, without unnecessary delays, allowing you to focus on your healthcare needs without disruption. Should any unforeseen circumstances arise that impact our ability to meet this commitment, we will proactively communicate with you to find a suitable resolution.


Welcome Letter and Dashboard

At OpenTelemed, we understand that the first impression is crucial, which is why we take great care in ensuring that our clients receive a warm and personalized welcome from the moment they engage with our services. As part of our commitment to exceptional customer experience, we provide all new clients with a detailed welcome letter that not only introduces them to our platform but also guides them through the various features and functionalities available at their fingertips.

This welcome letter serves as a roadmap, highlighting the intuitive dashboard that empowers our clients to manage their healthcare journey with ease. The dashboard provides a centralized hub where clients can access their medical records, schedule appointments, communicate with their healthcare providers, and even track their progress over time. By seamlessly integrating these essential tools, we strive to create a user-friendly experience that empowers our clients to take an active role in their well-being.

Within 24 working hours of completing their purchase, our clients receive this comprehensive welcome package, ensuring a smooth and efficient onboarding process. This prompt delivery reflects our unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, setting the tone for the exceptional service they can expect from OpenTelemed throughout their healthcare experience.

Refund Request Process

Submit Your Request

If you are not fully satisfied with the services provided by OpenTelemed, we encourage you to reach out to us directly. You can submit a refund request by email, phone, or through the secure contact form on our website. Our dedicated customer service team is standing by to assist you and ensure your concerns are addressed promptly.

Provide Details

When submitting your refund request, please be sure to include relevant details about your experience, such as the specific services you purchased, the date of your order, and a clear explanation of why you are requesting a refund. The more information you can provide, the better we can evaluate your case and determine the appropriate course of action.

Refund Evaluation

Upon receiving your refund request, our team will carefully review the details you have provided. We will assess the circumstances surrounding your case, taking into consideration our 24-hour delivery guarantee and the level of service you have received. This thorough evaluation will help us determine the best possible resolution that aligns with our refund policy and ensures your satisfaction.

Refund Evaluation

At OpenTelemed, we take our refund evaluation process very seriously, as we are committed to ensuring the complete satisfaction of our valued clients. When you submit a refund request, our experienced customer service team will thoroughly review the details you have provided to gain a comprehensive understanding of your specific situation. We will closely examine the services you have received, the timeline of your order, and any extenuating circumstances that may have contributed to your dissatisfaction.

During the evaluation process, we will carefully consider our 24-hour delivery guarantee and the level of service you have experienced. If we determine that we have fallen short of our commitment to prompt and efficient service delivery, or if the services you received have not met your expectations, we will work diligently to find a suitable resolution that aligns with our refund policy. Our goal is to address your concerns in a fair and equitable manner, ensuring that you are fully satisfied with the outcome.

In the event that our investigation reveals that the services were initiated and we have already invested resources in preparing your digital setup, we may not be able to offer a full refund. However, we will still work closely with you to find an alternative solution that is acceptable, such as a partial refund or the provision of alternative services. Our aim is to find a mutually agreeable outcome that demonstrates our commitment to your satisfaction and preserves the trust you have placed in OpenTelemed.

Refund Initiation

Once our thorough evaluation process has determined that a refund is warranted, we will swiftly initiate the refund on your behalf. Our commitment to customer satisfaction means that we treat each refund request with the utmost care and urgency, ensuring that the refund is processed efficiently and effectively.

Our dedicated finance team will work diligently to process the refund through the appropriate channels, whether that involves reversing the original payment or issuing a credit to your account. We understand the importance of timely resolution, and we will make every effort to complete the refund within a reasonable timeframe, typically within 5-7 business days, depending on the specific payment method used.

Prompt Refund Processing

When you submit a valid refund request, our finance team will spring into action, prioritizing your case and ensuring the refund is processed as swiftly as possible. We recognize that timely resolution is crucial, and we are committed to completing the refund within a reasonable timeframe to restore your confidence in our services.

Transparent Communication

Throughout the refund process, we will maintain open and transparent communication with you. We will keep you informed of the progress, provide regular updates, and address any questions or concerns you may have. Our goal is to ensure that you feel heard, respected, and confident in the outcome of your refund request.

Hassle-Free Experience

We understand that dealing with refunds can be a stressful experience. That’s why we’ve streamlined our refund process to be as seamless and straightforward as possible. We will guide you through the necessary steps, provide clear instructions, and make every effort to minimize any inconvenience or hassle on your part. Our aim is to make the refund experience as smooth and hassle-free as possible.

Circumstances Considered

At OpenTelemed, we understand that every client’s situation is unique, and our refund evaluation process takes this into account. When reviewing a refund request, our experienced team carefully considers a range of circumstances that may have led to the client’s dissatisfaction or the need for a refund.

  • Timeliness of Service Delivery – If we have failed to meet our 24-hour delivery guarantee, this will be a key factor in our evaluation. We will closely examine the timeline of the client’s order and any delays that may have occurred in order to determine if a refund is warranted due to our own shortcomings.
  • Quality of Services Provided – We will thoroughly assess the level of service the client has received, including the effectiveness of any virtual consultations, the accuracy of any diagnostic tests, and the overall responsiveness and professionalism of our healthcare providers. If the services have not met the client’s reasonable expectations, this will be a strong consideration in our refund decision.
  • Extent of Client Investment – In some cases, we may have already invested resources in preparing a client’s digital setup or initiating certain services. While this does not automatically preclude a refund, it is a factor we must weigh carefully. We will strive to find a fair and equitable solution that balances the client’s expectations with the work we have already undertaken.

By taking a comprehensive and empathetic approach to evaluating refund requests, we aim to ensure that our decisions are fair, transparent, and aligned with our commitment to customer satisfaction. Our goal is to find a resolution that not only addresses the client’s concerns but also preserves the trust they have placed in OpenTelemed.

Commitment to Customer Satisfaction

Partnership Approach

At OpenTelemed, we firmly believe that fostering a collaborative partnership with our clients is the foundation for delivering exceptional healthcare experiences. We strive to work closely with each individual, actively listening to their needs, concerns, and preferences, and tailoring our services accordingly. Our goal is to establish a relationship built on trust, transparency, and a shared commitment to their well-being.

Empathetic Care

We understand that navigating the healthcare system can be a daunting and often overwhelming experience. That’s why we approach each client with empathy, compassion, and a genuine desire to understand their unique circumstances. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized attention, offering emotional support, and creating a safe, welcoming environment where our clients feel heard, respected, and valued.

Continuous Improvement

At the core of our mission is a relentless drive to improve and enhance the services we provide. We actively seek feedback from our clients, listen attentively to their experiences, and use those insights to identify areas for growth and optimization. By continuously adapting and innovating, we aim to deliver an ever-evolving healthcare experience that exceeds our clients’ expectations and sets new standards in the industry.

Collaborative Approach

We believe that the best healthcare outcomes are achieved through a collaborative approach, where our clients are empowered to play an active role in their own well-being. By fostering open communication, encouraging shared decision-making, and leveraging our clients’ personal knowledge and expertise, we create a synergistic partnership that empowers them to take control of their healthcare journey and achieve their desired goals.

Contact Us for Assistance

At OpenTelemed, we are dedicated to providing our clients with exceptional service and support throughout their healthcare journey. Whether you have a question about our services, need to request a refund, or simply want to share your feedback, we encourage you to reach out to our friendly and knowledgeable customer service team. Our commitment to customer satisfaction means that we are always available to address your concerns and ensure that your experience with OpenTelemed exceeds your expectations.

You can contact us through a variety of convenient channels, including phone, email, or our secure online contact form. Our team is standing by, ready to assist you with any inquiries or requests you may have. We understand that healthcare can be a complex and often overwhelming topic, which is why we strive to provide personalized attention and clear, straightforward communication to help guide you every step of the way.

Whether you need clarification on our services, require assistance with scheduling an appointment, or simply want to share your thoughts and feedback, we are here to listen and respond promptly. Our goal is to be a trusted partner in your healthcare journey, and we will work tirelessly to ensure that your needs are met and your concerns are addressed to your complete satisfaction.

Contact Information


1001 S. Main St., STE Kalispell , MT 59901


(833) 948-2009


If you have any questions or need assistance with your return, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated customer support team. We are available to address your concerns and ensure that your experience with OpenTelemed is exceptional.