
Become a Certified Telehealth and Wellness Practitioner

Future-Proof Your Career: Master Telehealth and Wellness!


20 Weeks

Course Type


Internship Pay

$7.25/ Productive Hours

Time Commitment

2 - 5 hours per week


Self-paced and/or 1 on 1 Session


Telehealth and Wellness

Course Language


Video transcript



CMEs & Verified Certificate


OpenTelemed Classes

Inhouse Career Upon Completion (Within OpenTelemed)

Hourly: $116 - $117
Weekly: $4,640 - $4,680
Monthly: $18,560 - $18,720
Yearly: $192,454 - $208,000

Career Upon Completion (At Any Medical Setting)

Hourly: $48.09
Weekly: $1,923.60
Monthly: $8,333.33
Yearly: $100,033

Telehealth Digital Accessories and Compliance Fees

Admission and Exams Fees: $300
Tuition: $599
Hands-On Training: $500
Digital Setup: $600 (Optional)

Available Payment Options

Payment Plan,
Student Discount,
Intern Pay Adjustment,
and Loan Facility

Other Career Scopes

  • Community Health Specialist –$50,976 and $64,461.
  • Biostatistician –$98,920.
  • Public Health Training Series Coordinator –$65,920.
  • Public Health Policy Advocate – $60,627.
  • Public Health Nutritionist – $81,500.
  • Public Health Emergency Response Coordinator – $73,668.
  • Public Health Consultant – $140,924.
  • Public Health Researcher – $154,000.
  • Social and Community Service Manager – $74,240.
  • Medical and Health Services Manager – $104,830
  • Emergency Management Director – $79,180 
  • Postsecondary Teacher – $80,840


Public Health Information Systems

Learning Objectives:
1. describe the purpose of public health
2. define key terms used in public health
3. identify prominent events in the history of public health
4. recognize the core public health functions and essential services
5. describe the role of different stakeholders in the field of public health
6. list determinants of health
7. recognize how individual determinants of health affect population health

Health Literacy & Public Health: Introduction Overview

After completing the course, the learner will be able to:

  • Define fundamental literacy.
  • Define health literacy.
  • Describe how health literacy relates to public health.
  • List the 3 domains of health literacy.
  • Review coping strategies people use to compensate for their low literacy skills.
  • Identify groups that are more likely to experience low literacy.
  • List reasons why people may have low literacy.
  • Review health outcomes among people with low health literacy.
  • Describe why people, regardless of literacy skills, may fail to understand health information.
  • Give examples of how low literacy affects the essential services of public health.
Public Health Law

This course is an introduction to public health law in the United States. Although it is designed for professionals who work in public health agencies, the first modules introduce the basic fundamentals of law and the legal system in the US which are the same no matter what the core subject area of law is to be studied.

Module One introduces the sources of law, including the US and state constitutions, federal and state legislation, and federal and state judicial opinions, and the interplay among them. There is discussion of the sections of the US Constitution and amendments often cited as most applicable to the public health law arena.

Module Two introduces the roles and powers of federal and state administrative agencies, including the process for promulgation of administrative rules and regulations, enforcement, and administrative hearings.

Module Three is more specific to public health and discusses the difficulties in determining which laws can be considered as “public health” laws and regulations, as well as the provisions in federal and state laws that apply to the health and welfare of the public in general rather than to laws governing the health of individuals and delivery of services to individual patients. Also included is discussion of the powers of the federal and state governments in arena of public health. Balancing the rights of the individual against the rights of the population is included.

Module Four discusses governmental powers in the case of emergency; the specific context of bioterrorism is used as the exemplary base for discussion.

Finally, Module Five discusses the basics of the issue of public health information and privacy. Included are the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the responsibilities of public health agencies and employees in receipt and use of protected health information. Throughout the course, principles such as federalism and preemption and others are included. Examples of model public health legislation are also cited.

Preemption and Public Health

A common basis for constitutional challenges to public health laws and policies at federal, state, and local levels is the legal concept of preemption — the authority of a higher level of government to invalidate or supersede the law of a lower level of government. Traditionally, the Constitution has been interpreted as granting the government broad authority to protect public health. In the past 25 years, however, judicial decisions have placed substantial limits on this power.

It is important for public health officials to understand the different types of preemption (and their implications) as well as how to identify preemption in practice and take steps to ensure that their policies are constitutionally permissible and not invalidated by a higher level of law. Developed by ChangeLab Solutions in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this free training from the Public Health Law Academy explains how preemption can help or hinder public health measures. This 2024 update features an increased focus on health equity and new examples of how preemption affects the root causes of health inequities.

Preemption affects almost every aspect of life, including minimum wage requirements, airline safety regulations, environmental protection standards, and commercial tobacco control efforts. Although preemption has important implications for health care delivery and public health, it is not part of most medical, nursing, or public health training.

Public Health Economics

Economics is the study of choices in a world of scarcity. In this course we explore how markets function by examining the demand behavior of consumers and the supply behavior of firms. We explore how market-based factors and governmental policies impact market outcomes. The concepts of private and social welfare are introduced as a framework for assessing the performance of markets. The course concludes with an application of economic tools to the policy issue of cigarette smoking. The material is quite general in nature, and is intended to improve the ability of preparedness professionals to project how markets will respond to significant public health events.

Public Health Ethics

Ethical dilemmas are persistent in public health. Decision making-processes can be very complex, often with conflicts and competing interests. In this training, examine public health ethics and ethical based approaches to decision making. Learn to use ethical frameworks to make decisions confidently and justify decisions with transparency. Practice addressing ethical challenges respectfully in a way that builds trust with communities and stakeholders through simulated case scenarios. Practice identifying ethical dilemmas and the exploration of solutions.

Federalism and Public Health

Learn about how the authority to protect and promote the public’s health is primarily held by the States and why the federal government’s role in public health is primarily one of influence through persuasion and financial incentives.

Public Health Insurance

This course provides background on the history, growth and issues surrounding managed health care and health insurance. Among the items covered are the development of group practice, types of managed care, the HMO-effect versus favorable selection, costs, ratings and alternative forms of insurance.

Cultural Diversity, Health Disparities and Public Health

A primary aim of this course is to provide public health professionals with a broad overview of cultural diversity issues with a focus on race/ethnicity and gender. Health disparities, a major public health problem of interest, is discussed using cultural diversity as the conceptual framework for thinking about the role of the public health community and health policy solutions for addressing these issues. As a part of this process, course participants are exposed to introductory cultural diversity concepts. In addition, participants also have an opportunity to engage in critical thinking regarding the current social and health problems that impact the public’s health, particularly racial minorities.

Collaboration: The Key to Public Health System Improvement

Public health is no longer just what governmental agencies do and it is no longer advisable to think public health professionals have done their jobs in providing silos of programs. For states and communities to be successful in creating conditions in which people can be healthy in a sustainable way, collaboration is essential. Collaboration, we think we do it….yet few actually do. This course covers why collaboration is essential to public health, how it differs from other strategies, what is needed for successful collaboration, what common pitfalls and challenges often occur and how to address them, as well as assuring results and keeping momentum. Additionally, it will cover resources available to support your efforts and the importance of celebrating successes and sharing the lessons learned. The course includes a workbook which contains exercises and content handouts to support the learner. This course will be extremely valuable to those involved in a community collaborative effort or those wanting to initiate one.

Inescapable Realities in Public Health - Conflict and Collaboration: Building Competency

Have you ever found yourself in a conflict, either professional or personal, with no idea how to get out of it without simply surrendering or fighting back? Just how is it that conflict seems to arise so often? With all the attention that “win-win” approaches get these days, is collaboration always the best way to resolve differences? Is there an element that is common to both collaborating with partners and resolving differences with them? This broadcast included a discussion of conflict, conflict resolution, and collaboration, and how they are all tightly related. Conflict is all around us, in all aspects of our lives. It seems to be inherent in our culture and perhaps in just being human. While it’s easy to create conflict, resolving it often defies our abilities. And yet there are some basic principles one can apply in both preventing conflict and in contributing positively to its resolution once conflict arises. This broadcast provided a very innovative look at conflict, why it arises, and what can be done to resolve it. Also discussed was collaboration, how it represents ONE approach to conflict resolution, and why it is an essential competency in public health practice.

Public Health Financial Management

This course provides an overview of the principles of finance, discussions regarding finance issues related to public health, and understanding of financial management of public health programs and activities. 

Structure of Government: Exploring the Fabric and Framework of Public Health Powers

All levels of government—federal, state, and local—have a role in protecting the public’s health. However, state-to-state differences can be confusing, and some powers and authorities are not clearly spelled out for every situation. Also, the responsibilities of different government agencies might overlap when addressing public health issues.

Confusion can arise when the powers are not clearly laid out or understood between the different levels and branches of government. This confusion can be especially difficult if there is an emergency that requires quick and decisive action.

The goal of this training is to address these challenges and explore how different levels of government can coordinate and collaborate to achieve shared public health goals. The training incorporates stories from the field and demonstrates how the powers and authorities of different government agencies play out in everyday practice. Examples include menu labeling, tobacco control laws, quarantine laws, vaccination laws, helmet laws, control of infectious disease, and food safety laws.

Orientation to Public Health

Learning Outcome

As a result of this activity, you will enhance your knowledge and competence in the roles and responsibilities of public health, including the 10 essential services.

Learning Objectives

  • Define public health
  • Contrast public health and medicine
  • Describe the activities of public health agencies
  • Identify the three core functions of public health
  • Recognize the 10 essential public health services
  • Match public health activities to their corresponding essential service category
Introduction to Public Health Surveillance

Surveillance is a key function of public health, but what does it mean? This module introduces public health surveillance concepts and principles for public health workers who have little or no prior training in epidemiology. You’ll learn about surveillance systems in local, state, and national public health practice and how these important systems are used in tracking diseases and other public health threats.

Effective Communication for Environmental Public Health


After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify three essential components of the communication process
  • Describe the core competencies and skills of communicating for environmental public health
  • Explain three key practices for educating the public about environmental public health
  • Explain four key practices for communicating core environmental health messages
  • Explain three key strategies for resolving conflict in environmental public health
  • Explain two key principles of marketing that help define and explain the value of environmental public health
Professionalism for Public Health Workers

Professionalism is so important that the Association of Schools of Public Health built it into the competency model for aspiring Master of Public Health students and the Public Health Leadership Society Code of Ethics included professional competence as one of its 12 principles. Professionalism is very important for new public health workers and for students working towards their MPH degree. We have interviewed experts in the field and worked with a variety of public health professionals to come up with realistic situations and scenarios for you to explore.

The Future of Telemedicine in Public Health

Learning Objectives:

Understand the key aspects of the status of COVID-related telehealth regulations and waivers. Appreciate the broader role of mHealth, apps, sensors, and remote monitoring post COVID. Learn about ways to transition the use of telehealth into traditional practice models Know where to look for resources and technical assistance with telemedicine questions. Target Audience: Public Health Professionals

Tiers and Competency Domains: Tiers 1, 2, 3; Community Dimensions of Practice, Leadership and Systems Thinking

Organic Chemestry, Biology and Drug Development

This course in organic chemistry in biology and drug development will introduce you to the different biochemical processes where organic chemistry plays a dominant role as well as the drug discovery process. If you have considered coming chemist, pharmacist, druggist, biochemist or chemical biologist, then this course will ground you in the basics of applied organic chemistry and bringing new pharmaceuticals to market.

Human Nutrition

This course in Human Nutrition is a comprehensive introduction to the role of nutrition in our growth and development throughout our lives. With the huge rise in diet-related illnesses such as obesity, type II diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, we face important choices in terms of food and nutrition on a daily basis. This course will help you make better choices that will ensure good health and wellness.

Nutrition, Therapeutics, and Health

This online nutrition diploma course will introduce you to recommended dietary allowances, classes of nutrients, units of energy, energy requirements, and the major and trace minerals. Start the course and learn about nutritional science, disorders, meal planning, food safety and hygiene. The course also deals with the adaptation of a normal diet, principles of a therapeutic diet, and diet therapy for various diseases.

Diet Planning & Meal Prep

This course establishes the significance of nutrition and explains how to modify diet in order to achieve health and fitness goals. We examine the key nutritional components that boost our chances of maintaining good health. This diploma course is especially useful for fitness trainers and explains everything you need to know, from building good relationships with clients to ensuring that their meals include all the vital minerals and vitamins.

Caregiving skills

This course focuses on the practical, legal and ethical issues you face while providing care to the sick and elderly. We help you develop the skills required to become an effective caregiver, which involves assisting loved ones and clients with meals, personal care, transportation and other physical and emotional needs. We explain how to deal with dementia while managing the impact of age, disease and injury to bring comfort to those in need.

Health and Social Care

Health and social care professionals play an indispensable role in our society by protecting the wellbeing and quality of life of those who need healthcare and support. This course is designed to equip aspiring professionals with the knowledge and skills required to pursue a rewarding career in this essential field. We begin with an overview of the history of the health and social care fields and an outline of its ethical considerations. We also explore these professionals’ critical roles as compassionate caregivers and advocates for vulnerable people who need support.This course examines common diseases and disorders and discusses the impact of ageing on major human body systems. We also provide effective communication strategies to enable you to engage empathetically with people with diverse needs. We then go through some health and safety regulations, infection control and prevention techniques, and the management of hazardous substances and waste. The course delves into the complexities of psychology and mental health to help you acquire a deep understanding of the psychological aspects of caregiving.We lay out the critical components of social care systems, allowing you to grasp the breadth of services available, which include providing support to individuals with disabilities and special needs. Lastly, we address safeguarding and the protection of vulnerable individuals while tackling the ethical issues encountered in health and social care. This course offers a holistic and rigorous education, empowering aspiring professionals to contribute meaningfully to the wellbeing of those in need.

Nursing and Patient Care

To help you learn how to properly care for elderly patients, you will first study the categories of human needs, the equipment used for patient care, and the guidelines for bed-making. You will then study the importance of patient personal hygiene, focusing on daily baths and proper oral care. You will also learn the importance of movement and exercise and how a back massage can help patient comfort. Next, you will study environmental health and safety awareness.The nutritional needs and metabolism of elderly patients change as they age, which is why it is important that they get a carefully planned diet. This course will teach you the factors that influence diet, the reasons why there is a need for therapeutic diet therapy, and the standard hospital diet. You will then learn how to conduct a physical examination, collect a specimen, and measure vital signs.Learning the best nursing care practices will not only ensure the health and safety of an elderly patient but also that of a nursing practitioner. This course will be of great interest to all healthcare professionals who want to further their understanding of this subject. Any student who is planning to pursue a career in the nursing field will also find this course of great help. So start the course today and learn how to give better nursing care in just a few hours.

Caring for Alzheimer's and Dementia Patients

Alzheimer’s and dementia are becoming more prevalent in our world today than ever before. This course on caring for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients will give you real-life tips, whether you are a professional carer or caring for a loved one. This disease is a prevalent neurodegenerative condition characterized by cognitive decline. Although this course focuses on Alzheimer’s, a specific form of dementia, it delves into all forms of this disease and its stages. Investigate these stages and explore effective communication strategies to help you understand triggers as the disease advances.As Alzheimer’s progresses, caregivers play a pivotal role in addressing daily needs, promoting independence, and creating a supportive environment. Personal care assistance, safety measures, and home adaptations are essential. Medications, regular medical check-ups, and nutritional considerations are part of the medical aspects and treatment. Tailoring activities to cognitive abilities, managing challenging behaviors, and promoting dignity are hands-on techniques for caregiving.This course examines emotional well-being, encompassing grief, loss, and emotional support for individuals with Alzheimer’s and caregivers. Coping with caregiver stress involves recognizing burnout and implementing self-care strategies. Financial considerations and end-of-life care round out a holistic care plan in this course. Nurturing joy, preparing for end-of-life decisions, and providing grief support complete the comprehensive approach to Alzheimer’s and dementia care.

Special Needs Care

This course will enhance your understanding of children with special needs and make it easier to care for them. You will be introduced to various developmental disorders and how they can affect children living with them. The course will cover different visual aids, such as social stories and visual schedules, that are useful in managing children with special needs. You will receive helpful tips and guidelines for creating and using these aids. Additionally, you will learn strategies for managing meltdown situations and teaching basic skills like self-feeding and toilet use.The course will also explore Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), the recognized standard for treating Autism. You will learn the principles, techniques, and applications of ABA to improve language, motor, cognitive, and visuospatial skills. Towards the end, the course will discuss the concept of school shadow support, which involves providing personalized care for a child with special needs in educational settings. This section will also cover inclusive education techniques and tools, including functional awareness and visual and peer support, to create a more accommodating school environment for children with special needs.Developmental disorders such as Autism can make childhood and caregiving challenging. Whether you are a parent of a special needs child or tasked with caring for such children, this comprehensive course will significantly improve your understanding of their needs. You will gain the tools and techniques necessary to provide the specialized care they require. Start now to acquire the knowledge needed to navigate any challenges you might face.

Food Safety

This course will first introduce you to the principles of good personal hygiene and its management. You will study the importance of water quality and learn about the regulations and customer requirements related to water quality, ice, and steam. The course will also cover pest control and product contamination control, where you will explore corrective actions that need to be taken to minimize the risk of pest infestation.Next, you will learn the correct sanitization and personal cleanliness guidelines that employees should follow, as well as how to create a cleaning schedule. You will delve into food purchasing, receiving, storage, preparation, and sanitation, while also learning about the causes and prevention of unsafe food, foodborne illnesses, and food service accidents. Additionally, the course will discuss the role of management in the food service industry and the “lead by example” concept. Finally, you will understand the importance of proper staff training and inspections to maintain consistent sanitation standards.Maintaining a top-quality food business while ensuring exceptional hygiene is a significant responsibility. By learning the best practices and procedures covered in this course, you will help ensure that you meet this responsibility. This course is specifically designed for aspiring food safety managers working in food processing plants, restaurants, and any food service operation, aiming to make the learning process as clear as possible. Start today and elevate your professional skills to the next level.

Childcare and Nutrition

One of the most important responsibilities facing childcare providers is fostering health, wellness, and childhood development. This course is designed to provide essential skills, knowledge, and tools for carers, parents, and educators. The first module offers an overview of childcare and nutrition, outlining the impact of proper childcare on the development, education, and socialization of children. It also discusses the role of routines in promoting healthy childhood habits.The course then describes strategies to enhance the health and safety of children across various social environments. It explains how to mitigate the transmission of diseases through measures like proper sanitation protocols. The second module explores childhood nutritional requirements, tracing the changes in their needs throughout different phases of growth and development. It also discusses physical activities that best suit a child’s fitness needs and explains how to conduct growth evaluations.You will learn how to care for children with special needs while emphasizing the importance of avoiding stereotypes. The course highlights various forms of abuse and identifies the signs of maltreatment and neglect in children. Finally, it discusses the support available to families in the UK with children who require assistance and explains how to navigate that system. This course provides the skills and training necessary to raise healthy, thriving children, whether as a parent or a professional caregiver.

Physical Therapy Aide

This course begins with an overview of the history of physical therapy and outlines the differences between a physical therapist and a physical therapy aide. It describes career opportunities and the skills required to perform the daily tasks of both roles. Important medical technology is introduced, along with an examination of the general equipment used in physical therapy, including the use of orthotics. The course also covers treatments for common medical disorders, such as elbow range of motion (ROM) impairment, and various modalities for increasing mobility, including ice massages.Next, the course investigates the basic structure and function of the human body, covering different types of muscle tissue and common cardiopulmonary pathologies. It distinguishes between the axial and appendicular skeleton and teaches how to correctly turn and position patients, including tips for lifting and “scooting” transfers. Additionally, it addresses pressure ulcers and bed mobility. Finally, therapeutic exercise techniques, agents, and modalities are discussed, ranging from the use of crutches to hydrotherapy.You will learn methods to protect yourself and your patients from injury when transferring them to and from chairs, beds, and wheelchairs. The therapeutic exercises provided can aid your patients in recovering and regaining full use of their bodies. This course details the day-to-day work of a therapy aide and the qualities that can contribute to success in this rewarding field, equipping you with valuable skills to help others.

First Aid and Safety

The increasing demand for first aid experts in today’s workplaces and homes highlights the professional advantage of being trained in first aid. This comprehensive course equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide prompt first aid in emergencies. The first section focuses on the basics of first aid, teaching you essential skills in basic life support and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). You will also learn how to handle common emergencies such as choking and bleeding.The course then addresses accidents, risks, and various types of injuries. You will learn how to analyze these situations, assess medical needs, and administer appropriate first aid interventions. Different types of emergencies are examined, along with the signs and symptoms to recognize, allowing you to deliver the necessary first aid for each specific instance. The course also identifies key materials that should be included in a well-equipped first aid kit and discusses their roles, emphasizing the importance of personalizing first aid interventions to meet individual needs.This course is ideal for healthcare professionals, caregivers, administrators, educators, parents, and anyone interested in learning basic first aid. It explains how to make a difference by providing rapid care in times of crisis. You will gain the skills and confidence needed to effectively respond to emergencies, offer immediate assistance, and potentially save lives. Enroll now to prepare yourself for the unexpected and enhance your ability to provide first aid during medical emergencies.

Child Psychology

Are you concerned about your child’s changing behavior? It is essential for parents and caregivers to understand children’s development to support their growth. Child psychology studies the developmental stages of childhood, children’s relationships with others, and the role of affection. This course will help you understand how children learn, think, feel, and interact with others.We begin by introducing the field of child psychology and its crucial role in understanding and promoting childhood development. You’ll learn how mental health issues affect young people and the educational challenges that arise in the classroom. We then break down the concept of ‘attachment’ and examine various theories that explain it. The effects of bereavement and divorce on children of different ages are discussed, along with an exploration of attachment disorders and their treatments.The course outlines the stages of child development that most children experience and demonstrates how to best support them through each stage. Factors that can lead to problematic development are identified, and different parenting styles are discussed to help you understand how to raise your children effectively. We will explore various personality traits, psychosocial stages, and developmental concepts to explain childhood problems and challenges and how to address them.Additionally, the course introduces the concept of child neglect, detailing its signs, risk factors, and impact on children’s physical and mental health to help you prevent it. You’ll also learn how to identify and respond to internet addiction among children.As we move into adolescence, we discuss common issues faced during this stage and their appropriate therapies. You will learn to identify common teenage mental health problems, including anxiety disorders, eating disorders, mood disorders, and autism spectrum disorder. The effects of substance abuse on physical and psychological development are also explored. Finally, we examine psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacological approaches to improving childhood mental health.This course is valuable for professional psychologists, parents, teachers, caregivers, or anyone interested in learning about child psychology. Enhance your understanding of child psychology and learn how to apply these principles in your interactions with children.

Physical Fitness

Running, swimming, and strength training are the three main forms of physical activity that can help you develop physical fitness and core strength. This course will explore these activities and teach you how to stay injury-free while engaging in them. You will learn professional techniques for warming up, stretching, and using equipment correctly. The course will also address the most common injuries experienced by those who participate in regular physical activities, along with strategies for preventing and treating these injuries.To help you develop muscular strength, speed, and power, the course will cover essential flexibility techniques, calisthenics, and plyometrics. You will learn the proper exercise techniques for training in challenging environments such as extreme heat, extreme cold, and high altitude. Important precautions will be discussed to ensure that you train safely in each of these conditions. Additionally, the course will cover key aspects of performance-enhancing substances.This course will be of great interest to professionals in the health and fitness industry, individuals considering a career in health and fitness, or anyone looking to improve their physical fitness and strength. With physical fitness being crucial to personal health and life satisfaction, the skills you gain can make a significant difference in your life or in the lives of those you teach. So why wait? Start your journey today and keep moving forward!

Clinical Nursing Skills

The cardiovascular system is essential for sustaining life by supplying the body with blood and oxygen. This course begins by teaching you how the cardiovascular system functions and how it can become diseased. You will also study the respiratory system, which is crucial for providing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide. You will learn how the respiratory system operates and how to perform physical examinations and procedures to identify signs of deterioration.Next, you will explore the function of the digestive system and learn about the signs and symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders. You will discover how proteins, carbohydrates, and fatty acids serve as fuel for the body’s metabolism. The course will also cover the central nervous system, including its three major subdivisions, as well as the structure and function of the spinal cord and brainstem. Additionally, you will study various infectious neurological diseases, such as meningitis and encephalitis.This course provides comprehensive knowledge that clinical nurses need about the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and central nervous systems. By the end of the course, you will have a deeper understanding of their anatomy and physiology, the most common diseases and disorders affecting these systems, and the care and treatment procedures that aid patient recovery. Start your journey today to enhance your nursing skills!

Nursing Leadership and Care Management

This course will explore the various roles that nurses play in today’s evolving healthcare settings. You will begin with an overview of the responsibilities of nurse leaders and the impact they have on healthcare delivery. Different nursing leadership skills, techniques, and approaches will be discussed to help you understand what it takes to effectively lead other nurses and healthcare workers. Important issues in the nursing workplace, such as transcultural nursing, will also be addressed.The course will then delve into the critical roles that the medical team plays within the operating room. You will learn about the responsibilities and necessary skills required of nurses during different phases of the surgical cycle, from the pre-operative to the post-operative phase. Additionally, you will explore the various types of nursing leadership styles commonly used today and the factors that influence the productivity levels of co-nurses within healthcare facilities. Finally, you will discover the most effective teaching strategies utilized by nurse educators.This course offers valuable insights for those looking to advance their nursing careers. By participating, you will enhance your nursing leadership and teaching capabilities while gaining knowledge of best practices that improve healthcare delivery. Start now to give your nursing career a meaningful boost!


The course begins with an introduction to the immune system, hematopoiesis (the production of all cellular components of blood and blood plasma), and lymphoid organs such as bone marrow, the spleen, and the tonsils. It highlights the main features of inflammation and explains why this response is crucial during infections. You will also learn about the key mechanisms and cellular components of both innate and adaptive immunity, as well as the genetic basis for immunological diversity.The material further explores the various mechanisms that regulate immune responses and maintain tolerance while generating antibody diversity. You will study the key events and cellular players involved in antigen presentation and how the characteristics of an antigen influence the resulting effector responses. Additionally, the course discusses the fundamental techniques used to identify antigen-antibody interactions in detail.By the end of the course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the immune system’s roles in maintaining health and contributing to disease. This informative course will appeal to students in life sciences, biotechnology, genetic engineering, or anyone interested in these topics. Don’t wait—begin your journey into immunology today!

Principles of Drug Delivery

What are the advanced chemical and biological processes required to produce efficient and potent drug compounds, and how do various factors influence this process? This course will analyze these processes and their components, including biopolymers, controlled release systems (CR formulations), and hydrogels. You will also explore the mathematics and chemistry that underpin these processes.The material covers the definitions and quantification of drug delivery, along with the components that contribute to the effectiveness of medications. You will investigate particle synthesis, as well as non-erodible and erodible systems. Additionally, the course includes in-depth studies of polyesters, polyanhydrides, bioavailability, and other complex topics to enhance your understanding of biology and its intricacies.The medical field is complex, and drug delivery exemplifies this, involving detailed work on ratios and cross-linking in chemistry. This course provides a solid foundation in this rewarding subject, particularly if you have an interest in chemistry or biology. If you want to expand your professional knowledge or general understanding of drug delivery systems and the design of effective medication, start your learning journey now!


Bioinformatics is the study of using computational methods to extract knowledge from biological data. It employs algorithms and software to collect, store, retrieve, modify, and model data for analysis, visualization, or prediction. This course will introduce you to the role of bioinformatics in today’s world, covering various algorithms, tools, and approaches used in the field.You will explore several genome-mapping techniques that help identify and locate genes within a genome, as well as bioinformatics algorithms and computational models, including sequence alignment and protein structure prediction. The fundamentals of sequence analysis and database searching will also be discussed, along with the importance of proteins as crucial components of our cells and their impact on DNA.The course will further delve into the role of phylogenetic analysis in understanding species evolution. You’ll learn how scatter plots and heat maps serve as vital tools for visualizing and interpreting high-dimensional biological data. Finally, the course will cover biological network analysis and the influence of artificial intelligence in bioinformatics. Start your journey into this exciting field today!

Health Studies

This health studies course will provide you with a clearer understanding of healthcare and global health practices. You will begin by learning about macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, as well as the essential minerals that the body requires. This foundational knowledge will help you understand what these nutrients are and their sources. You will also explore individual dietary needs and the recommended ratios of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins for a balanced diet.Next, the course will cover the stages of human development, the factors that influence it throughout a lifetime, and how development is measured. You will examine how family and community resources contribute to an individual’s growth and development. Additionally, the course will address global health issues, including HIV and AIDS, and the common misconceptions surrounding these diseases.By participating in this health studies course, you will strengthen your understanding of important considerations when making dietary choices. This course is ideal for students, health professionals, volunteers, and anyone interested in global health issues. As the saying goes, you are what you eat. Start your journey today and learn how to enhance your health effectively!


Phlebotomists are in high demand in the medical industry due to several factors, including the rapid expansion of the healthcare sector and an increase in chronic diseases that require regular monitoring. This course equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in this in-demand field. You will learn the fundamentals of phlebotomy, including patient identification and effective communication. The course also explores safety protocols and infection control measures essential for ensuring the highest level of safety for patients and healthcare practitioners.You will gain insight into performing venipuncture procedures and learn strategies for managing complications and providing post-procedure care. The curriculum covers pre-analytical variables and basic laboratory testing techniques to ensure accurate and reliable results. Additionally, the course examines the role of phlebotomy in specialized healthcare settings, along with sample labeling, documentation, and tracking practices. You will also explore the history of phlebotomy and the career and professional development opportunities it offers.This course is ideal for aspiring phlebotomists, healthcare professionals looking to expand their skill set, and anyone seeking a career change or entry into the healthcare field. Whether working in hospitals, laboratories, or specialized healthcare settings, phlebotomists play a vital role in delivering quality patient care and contributing to the overall effectiveness of the healthcare system and medical research. This course provides the knowledge and practical skills needed to become a successful phlebotomist and offers the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the healthcare industry. Begin your journey in phlebotomy today and learn how to work with blood effectively!


Psychology is a science that examines human behavior and how the mind operates at both conscious and unconscious levels. Psychologists study individuals and groups to formulate general principles and theories. This engaging course is designed to help you understand and evaluate both classic and contemporary psychology.Topics covered include classical conditioning, learning theory, the biological basis of behavior, visual perception, memory, and cognition. The Research Methodology section encourages you to critically analyze the research process, explore the evolving nature of psychology as a science, and understand some of the ethical issues faced by psychologists.This course will be of great interest to anyone looking to learn more about key concepts and theories in psychology, or for those considering a career in the field.

Stress Management

This course begins with an introduction to stress, exploring its history and examining the role of personality factors in how individuals experience stress. You will learn about the impact of stress on the nervous system, how the brain functions during stressful situations, and the effects on the endocrine system, including adrenal fatigue.You will also discover how to assess stress levels and enhance your self-esteem. The course emphasizes the interplay of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions during times of stress. You will learn relaxation techniques and coping strategies to reduce stress, as well as how imagery can be a useful tool. Additionally, the course will clarify the difference between stress and anxiety, and explore the connection between exercise and stress, including various exercises that can improve your mood.By studying this course, you will learn effective methods for managing personal stress. Stress affects individuals in diverse ways, and some people return to their resting state more quickly than others after a stressful event. 

Positive Psychology

This course on positive psychology starts by introducing the concept of psychology and delving into the specific theme of positive psychology. You will explore various theories and branches of psychology, gaining insight into the humanistic perspectives and the historical background of positive psychology, as well as the research methods used in the field.You will also learn about the traits of a positive personality, including the models of character strengths and virtues. The course will guide you in developing a positive emotional state that encompasses hope, optimism, resilience, and mindfulness. Additionally, you will discover how forgiveness can enhance mental health and the role of compassion in improving relationships with others.Finally, the course will highlight the significance of religion and spiritual practices in understanding human behavior. You will explore the concept of gratitude and learn how it fosters healthy relationships among individuals. This course will enhance your understanding of the self and the core principles of positive psychology. 

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

You will begin with a brief history of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exploring key figures in its development and the primary methods used by practitioners. Following this, you will learn about the essential principles and assumptions behind behavioral neuroscience, examining various neurotransmitters in the human body and their roles. You will also discover related therapies, such as acceptance commitment therapy (ACT), behavioral therapy, and cognitive analytic therapy, which share similarities with CBT.The course will then explain the structure of CBT and its application in treating eating disorders and depression. You will learn about different types of eating disorders, how negative thought patterns contribute to their persistence, and the techniques CBT practitioners use to address them.Next, you will study the application of CBT in treating stress, anxiety, and insomnia. In addition to addressing a wide range of conditions, CBT is also effective in improving interpersonal relationships. You will explore the reasons individuals may seek CBT to strengthen their connections with others. Furthermore, you will examine how CBT is applied in treating addictions, including the definition of addiction, its various forms, and how therapists structure intervention programs.Finally, the course will discuss the journey toward becoming a CBT therapist, including the formal training required and key considerations when choosing to work in the private or public sector, or both.Understanding CBT is crucial for those aspiring to become professional therapists and is also valuable for practicing therapists, psychiatrists, counselors, psychologists, and general medical practitioners looking to enhance their knowledge of mental health.

Symptoms, Treatment and Management of ADHD

ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood and often persists into adulthood. Children with ADHD may struggle with paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors, or may show excessive activity. While it’s normal for children to have difficulty focusing or behaving at times, those with ADHD do not outgrow these behaviors. The symptoms can be persistent, severe, and can lead to challenges at school, at home, and in social interactions. This course aims to identify these symptoms, provide strategies for managing them, and support children as they transition into adolescence. ADHD affects many people, and it’s likely that you may know someone with this condition—perhaps even yourself. This course will also give those unfamiliar with ADHD an overview of the challenges faced by individuals with the disorder.The precise causes of ADHD remain unidentified by scientists, although evidence suggests a genetic component, with three out of four children with ADHD having a relative who also has the disorder. This course will explore factors that may contribute to the development of ADHD and emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis for effective management. Late diagnosis, especially during adolescence, can lead to various challenges, which will be discussed in detail, along with the signs to look for in teenagers. Many adults with ADHD may not realize they have the condition; a thorough evaluation typically includes an assessment of past and current symptoms, a medical history, and the use of adult rating scales or checklists.Is there a cure for ADHD? Medication is often a key component of treatment for children with ADHD, but the decision to medicate can be difficult for parents. Concerns about potential side effects or the stigma associated with labeling a child can weigh heavily on caregivers, who may also feel guilt or shame regarding their child’s condition. This course will cover different approaches to treating ADHD, including effective medications. While having ADHD can present challenges, learning about the success stories of individuals with the disorder can be inspiring. This course will highlight some of these success stories, showcasing how people with ADHD have achieved their goals and lived fulfilling lives.

Administering Protection to At-Risk Adults

Everyone has the right to feel safe, and it is our collective social responsibility to ensure that vulnerable adults are protected from abuse, exploitation, and neglect. The term “at-risk adults” refers to individuals over the age of 18 who are susceptible to harm, including those who may lack essential life skills necessary for self-care. Abuse against adults can take various forms, including discriminatory, psychological, physical, or sexual.This program outlines the fundamental principles of safeguarding and emphasizes that every individual, regardless of their circumstances, has needs and desires. It identifies the situations in which an adult may be considered “vulnerable” and discusses when safeguarding measures become necessary. The course also reviews UK legislation related to the protection of at-risk adults and provides examples of adult mistreatment to help you recognize signs of abuse, as well as the risk factors associated with elder mistreatment and neglect.Additionally, the program covers the causes, diagnosis, symptoms, treatments, and misconceptions surrounding dementia. It highlights the UK organizations and agencies responsible for safeguarding vulnerable adults and discusses the roles of welfare officers and the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The training equips you with the skills needed to detect and respond to elder abuse, while also analyzing the importance of communication in care, including disclosure management and information sharing.This program is suitable for anyone who cares for an aging loved one or aspires to work in adult care. Join to learn effective strategies for safeguarding adults from harm and ensuring the wellbeing and dignity of those in your care.

Expertise in Herbal Therapeutics

This course provides an in-depth exploration of herbal therapeutics, equipping participants with advanced knowledge and practical skills in the application of herbal remedies for health and wellness. Covering a wide range of topics, the curriculum includes the identification, preparation, and therapeutic uses of various herbs, as well as the principles of herbal formulation and the science behind herbal medicine. Participants will also gain insights into the historical and cultural significance of herbal practices, as well as current research and evidence-based applications.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify and Classify Herbs: Recognize and categorize a variety of medicinal herbs based on their properties and therapeutic uses.
  2. Prepare Herbal Remedies: Demonstrate the skills necessary to prepare various forms of herbal remedies, including teas, tinctures, extracts, and salves.
  3. Understand Herbal Pharmacology: Explain the pharmacological actions of key herbs and their interactions with the human body.
  4. Formulate Herbal Treatments: Develop personalized herbal treatment plans tailored to individual health needs and conditions.
  5. Evaluate Research: Critically assess scientific literature and studies related to herbal medicine to inform practice.
  6. Integrate Herbal Medicine: Effectively incorporate herbal therapeutics into holistic health and wellness regimens, considering safety and efficacy.

This course is ideal for healthcare practitioners, herbalists, and individuals interested in expanding their knowledge of herbal medicine to promote health and well-being.

Foundations of Yoga and Breathwork: Practical Experience and Live Demonstration

This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of yoga and breath exercises, designed for both beginners and those looking to deepen their understanding. Participants will engage in live demonstrations and hands-on practice, exploring various yoga postures, sequences, and breathing techniques. The course emphasizes the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of integrating yoga and breathwork into daily life, fostering a holistic approach to wellness.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand Yoga Principles: Describe the foundational principles of yoga, including its history, philosophy, and various styles.
  2. Perform Basic Postures: Demonstrate a variety of fundamental yoga postures (asanas) with proper alignment and technique.
  3. Implement Breathwork Techniques: Practice and apply various breathwork (pranayama) techniques to enhance relaxation, focus, and energy levels.
  4. Develop a Personal Practice: Create a personalized yoga and breathwork routine tailored to individual needs and goals.
  5. Recognize Benefits: Identify the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of regular yoga and breath practice on overall well-being.
  6. Participate in Group Practice: Engage effectively in group yoga sessions, fostering community and support among participants.

This course is ideal for anyone interested in exploring the transformative effects of yoga and breathwork, whether for personal growth, stress management, or overall health enhancement.

Other Public Health Sessions
Bioterrorism: The Public Health Threat
Public Health Policy and Advocacy
Program Evaluation in Public Health
Screening in Public Health Practice
Business Planning for Public Health Programs
The Future of Telemedicine in Public Health
Fundamentals of Health Risk Assessment in Public Health
Life Course Nutrition: Maternal and Child Health Strategies in Public Health
TDH Artificial Intelligence in Public Health
Public Health (N2PH) Residency Program
Public Health and Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Health Webinar Series, Part I: Public Health Approaches to Mental Health Literacy
Public Health and Recovery: Roles, Responsibilities, and Expectation
Risk Communication in Public Health Emergencies
Public Health’s Role During a Hurricane
Evidence-Based Public Health Training Series
TDH Public Health Intervention Research
The Public Health Emergency Operations Centre (PHEOC)
Communicating with Data: Writing Public Health Reports
Program Evaluation Series: Evaluating a Public Health Program
Managing and Motivating Effective Public Health Performance
Public Health 101 Series – Introduction to Prevention Effectiveness
The Learning Lab: The Power of First Person Storytelling in Public Health
Preventing Suicide Among Justice-Involved Youth Using Public Health Partnerships
Interprofessional Practice for Population Health
Psychological First Aid (PFA)
Public Health Law End of Training Plan Verification and Certificate of Completion
Community Health and Disease
Transgender Health 104: Psychological Distress
Asthma Care for Health Professionals: Health Literacy and Asthma
Introduction to the International Health Regulations (IHR)

Discover the OpenTelemed Telehealth Primary Care Toolkit, a comprehensive 18-piece nurse accessory set designed for both professionals and students in the medical field. This TECHMED starter medical kit equips you with essential emergency diagnostic tools, empowering you to excel in your healthcare career.The durable and spacious medical assistant organizer bag features multiple compartments for easy storage of your tools, ensuring everything is safe and accessible. With a water-resistant design and stylish color options, it’s not only practical but also perfect for daily use.Key essentials include a Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope for precise readings, an Aneroid Sphygmomanometer for accurate blood pressure monitoring, and a mini pocket otoscope for thorough ear examinations. This kit also includes common tuning forks, medical shears, and nurse pen lights, making it a must-have for nursing students and professionals alike.Whether you’re in the classroom, on the job, or at home, this all-in-one toolkit is ideal for nurses, first responders, physical therapists, and medical professionals, ensuring you have everything you need to provide exceptional care.

The OpenTelemed Welcome Kit is designed to kickstart your journey in telehealth with essential tools and resources. Inside, you’ll find a high-quality Digital Camera for capturing important moments and enhancing your digital presence. Enjoy your favorite beverages in a stylish Welcome Mug, and establish your professional identity with a personalized Practice Nameplate. Additionally, the kit includes a Digital Benefit Card loaded with a generous $2000 credit value for your professional development needs. To ensure you look and feel your best, we’ve also included Professional Workwear tailored for comfort and style. This comprehensive kit equips you with everything you need to thrive in your telehealth practice!

Steps To Join Telehealth Internship

Achieve your healthcare goals with OpenTelemed in just 6 easy steps!

Online Enrollment

Please complete the enrollment form carefully, ensuring all details are accurate.

Complete The Online Course

Complete the online course that includes internship projects.

Start Your Digital Class

Begin your self-paced classes to meet the internship eligibility requirements!

Grab Your Digital Telehealth Setup

As you approach the completion of your training, a comprehensive digital telehealth setup will be provided to you.

Qualify for the Internship Pay Program.

Finish 20 hours of online classes to qualify for the Internship Pay Program and kickstart your career with us!

Begin Your Telehealth Practice

Once your training, digital setup, and demonstration are complete, you can start seeing patients assigned to you by us.

Skill Partners and Fellowship Organizations

We are an Open Source telehealth practice resource service provider. We partner with various authorities, federal agencies, and educational entities to provide guidance on original laws, skill sets, guidelines, and legal practices.

Graduates can pursue careers as telehealth practitioners, virtual clinic operators, public health consultants, and telemedicine educators.

Practitioners can earn an average income of $140 per hour or $200K per year by practicing telehealth at home.

The course provides comprehensive training in public health information systems, health literacy, and public health law, equipping graduates with the knowledge needed for consulting roles.

Graduates can collaborate with other healthcare providers, participate in telehealth conferences, and engage in knowledge-sharing initiatives.

The program equips graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to meet the growing demand for telemedicine services and virtual care.

Telehealth practitioners contribute to reducing healthcare disparities by providing accessible and efficient care to underserved populations.

The program enhances professional credentials by providing accredited training and equipping graduates with expertise in telehealth.

The program instills leadership skills, advocacy capabilities, and a deep understanding of telehealth to empower graduates as leaders in the industry.

The course includes modules on effective remote communication, virtual patient care, and telehealth technology, preparing graduates to educate others in telemedicine.

The program aims to create a future where healthcare is accessible, efficient, and patient-centered through the seamless integration of telehealth services .

The course offers a blend of online modules, live classes, interactive simulations, and case studies to accommodate diverse learning styles.

Practical training includes conducting virtual consultations, managing telehealth platforms, and interacting with virtual patients.

The live demonstration and exam assess graduates' ability to conduct virtual consultations, manage patient interactions, and adhere to telehealth best practices.

The exam may include 200 questions with a 3-hour virtual exam window, testing graduates' knowledge, decision-making skills, and ethical conduct in telehealth.

The program provides extensive review materials, practice scenarios, and mentorship to ensure graduates are confident and competent in their telehealth skills.

The program encourages peer-to-peer learning, group discussions, and interactive sessions to enhance graduates' preparation for the live demonstration and exam.

Graduates are expected to demonstrate effective communication, clinical competence, ethical conduct, and adherence to telehealth regulations during the exam .

The program provides training in cultural diversity, health disparities, and public health ethics to equip graduates for inclusive and patient-centered care 

Telehealth practitioners provide support, counseling, and interventions for mental health challenges, promoting holistic wellness in virtual care.

The program focuses on developing strong communication skills, maintaining professionalism, and building rapport with patients in virtual care settings.

Practitioners must adhere to patient confidentiality, informed consent, telehealth regulations, and ethical guidelines in their practice.

The program provides training in risk communication, public health's role during emergencies, and evidence-based public health strategies for disaster response.

Graduates can contribute to public health policy, advocate for healthcare access, and participate in community health programs to address societal health needs .

The program covers topics such as interoperability, EHR integration, and interprofessional practice to prepare graduates for seamless integration into healthcare systems.

The program encourages ongoing learning, adaptation to industry changes, and the exploration of innovative approaches to telehealth practice.

The program stays updated on industry advancements, technological innovations, and regulatory changes to meet the evolving demands of telemedicine.

The program values collaboration, knowledge sharing, patient-centered care, ethical conduct, and continuous improvement in telehealth practice.

The program integrates telehealth technology, virtual care best practices, AI in public health, and innovative healthcare delivery models to prepare graduates for the future.

Graduates receive guidance from experienced telehealth practitioners, access to practice resources, and personalized coaching to excel in the exam.

The program focuses on developing strong communication skills, maintaining professionalism, and building rapport with patients in virtual care settings.

Responsibilities include conducting virtual consultations, managing patient records, ensuring data security, and providing high-quality care to patients.

The course provides comprehensive training in telehealth technology, virtual patient care, legal and ethical considerations, and effective remote communication .

Ethical conduct is crucial for maintaining patient trust, ensuring confidentiality, and adhering to telehealth regulations.

The program provides training in cultural diversity, health disparities, and public health ethics to equip graduates for inclusive and patient-centered care.

The curriculum includes Public Health Information Systems, Health Literacy, Public Health Law, Public Health Economics, and many more chapters.

Graduates can contribute to public health policy, advocate for healthcare access, and participate in community health programs to address societal health needs.

Telehealth practitioners provide support, counseling, and interventions for mental health challenges, promoting holistic wellness in virtual care.

The program provides training in risk communication, public health's role during emergencies, and evidence-based public health strategies for disaster response.

Interoperability ensures seamless integration of telehealth services with existing healthcare systems, improving efficiency and patient care.

The program instills leadership skills, advocacy capabilities, and a deep understanding of telehealth to empower graduates as leaders in the industry .

Responsibilities include conducting virtual consultations, managing patient records, ensuring data security, and providing high-quality care to patients.

Practitioners must adhere to patient confidentiality, informed consent, telehealth regulations, and ethical guidelines in their practice.

Telehealth practitioners provide support, counseling, and interventions for mental health challenges, promoting holistic wellness in virtual care.

Telehealth practitioners contribute to reducing healthcare disparities by providing accessible and efficient care to underserved populations.

Key competencies include effective communication, clinical competence, ethical conduct, and adherence to telehealth regulations.

Practitioners build rapport through strong communication skills, maintaining professionalism, and creating a comfortable environment for patients.

Cultural diversity training equips practitioners to provide inclusive and patient-centered care, addressing health disparities and promoting equity.

Practitioners manage virtual patient interactions by conducting virtual consultations, using telehealth platforms, and ensuring effective communication.

Telehealth practitioners provide critical support during public health emergencies by offering remote consultations, reducing the burden on physical healthcare facilities, and ensuring continuity of care.

Graduates can contribute to public health policy, advocate for healthcare access, and participate in community health programs to address societal health needs .

The exam may include 200 questions with a 3-hour virtual exam window, testing graduates' knowledge, decision-making skills, and ethical conduct in telehealth.

The program provides extensive review materials, practice scenarios, and mentorship to ensure graduates are confident and competent in their telehealth skills.

The program encourages peer-to-peer learning, group discussions, and interactive sessions to enhance graduates' preparation for the live demonstration and exam.

Graduates are expected to demonstrate effective communication, clinical competence, ethical conduct, and adherence to telehealth regulations during the exam.

Graduates receive guidance from experienced telehealth practitioners, access to practice resources, and personalized coaching to excel in the exam.

The program focuses on developing strong communication skills, maintaining professionalism, and building rapport with patients in virtual care settings.

Practitioners must adhere to patient confidentiality, informed consent, telehealth regulations, and ethical guidelines in their practice .

The program focuses on developing strong communication skills, maintaining professionalism, and building rapport with patients in virtual care settings.

Responsibilities include conducting virtual consultations, managing patient records, ensuring data security, and providing high-quality care to patients.

The course provides comprehensive training in telehealth technology, virtual patient care, legal and ethical considerations, and effective remote communication.

The program aims to create a future where healthcare is accessible, efficient, and patient-centered through the seamless integration of telehealth services.

The program equips graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to meet the growing demand for telemedicine services and virtual care.

Our Mutual Achievement

Advocated for the expansion of Medicare coverage, resolution of legal and regulatory challenges, and improved broadband access for rural areas

Expansion of Patient Access American Hospital Association (AHA)

Summary: Recognizes a healthcare organization that has demonstrated success in systemic implementation of telehealth, vastly improving quality, reducing cost of care, and increasing efficiencies

ATA2023 Annual Awards American Telemedicine Association (ATA)

Summary: Expanded Medicare coverage for telehealth services for stroke patients and substance use treatment.

Coverage for Stroke and Substance Use Treatment Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Summary: Supported broadband adoption for remote healthcare providers, increasing the subsidy cap and proposing a Connected Care Pilot.

Rural Health Care Program Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Summary: Recognizes an individual or organization that has championed the expansion of telehealth services to rural, underserved, or vulnerable patient populations and made significant contributions to policy initiatives in areas including reimbursement, regulation, and access to telehealth services.

ATA Telehealth Champions American Telemedicine Association (ATA)

Summary: 35 states and DC enacted parity laws requiring health insurers to cover telehealth services the same way as in-person services .

Telehealth Parity Laws State Governments

Summary: Adjusted Medicare reimbursement to include payments for virtual check-ins and expanded the types of technology used for telehealth

Reimbursement Adjustments CMS

Summary: Awards funds to organizations for implementing telehealth technology-enabled learning programs to improve healthcare delivery.

HRSA Telehealth Technology-Enabled Learning Program Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

Summary: Implemented policies to expand access to healthcare services, particularly in rural and underserved areas.

Alabama’s Telehealth Policies State of Alabama

Summary: Implemented policies to expand access to healthcare services, particularly in rural and underserved areas.

National Telehealth Resource Centers Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

Summary: Recognized for innovative use of distance learning in telehealth.

USDLA TRENDSETTER Award for Distance Learning in Telehealth United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA)

Summary: Recognized for outstanding achievement in digital health

AZ Business Healthcare Leadership Award Arizona Telemedicine Program

Summary: Recognized for excellence in online technology for telemedicine and higher education

USDLA Online Technology Award United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA)

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